The Non-Structural Renovation exam is launching 1/1/2025
Get one step closer to becoming a South Carolina Non-Structural Renovation Commercial Contractor with a prep course designed by 1ExamPrep to help you conquer the required open-book computer based examination with PSI.
- Test-taking techniques
- Highlighting and tabbing locations for your books
- Practice questions
- 1 year of online
access - Android and iOS Compatible - Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.
The South Carolina Non-Structural Renovation license covers a variety of interior and exterior non-structural building activities, including: installing, remodeling, renovations, and finishes of acoustical ceiling systems and panels, load-bearing and nonload-bearing drywall partitions, lathing and plastering, flooring (excluding carpet) and finishing, interior recreational surfaces, window and door installation, and installation of fixtures, cabinets, and millwork; and which also includes fireproofing, insulation, lining, painting, partitions, sandblasting, interior and exterior wall covering, and waterproofing. This subclassification does not include alterations to load-bearing portions of a structure.
There are 60 questions in this examination. You will need to answer 42 questions correctly in order to pass. You are allowed 150 minutes to complete the examination.
All Non-Structural Renovation - Commercial Contractor candidates are required to pass the Business Management and Law for Commercial Contractors Examination and the Non-Structural Renovation Examination (Effective January 1, 2025).