Florida Glass and Glazing Contractors Trade Knowledge - Online Exam Prep Course - Pearson Vue

Florida Glass and Glazing Contractors Trade Knowledge - Online Exam Prep Course - Pearson Vue

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Get one step closer to becoming a Florida Glass and Glazing contractor with a prep course designed by 1ExamPrep to help you conquer the required Florida Glass and Glazing Contractor Trade Knowledge examination.

Use the online course structure to tailor your prep to your individual learning style. You’ll have a full year of access to the online course.

  • Test-taking techniques 
  • Guideline for highlights and tabs for each reference book
  • Practice Exams with 100's of questions 
  • 1 year of online access
  • Android and iOS Compatible - Complete the course on your phone, anytime or anywhere.

A Glass and Glazing contractor falls under the category of a Specialty Contractor. The scope of work for this contractor is limited to the installation and attachment of all types of windows and glass, the installation of swinging or sliding glass doors to the existing walls, floors, columns, or other structural members of the building, the installation of glass holding or supporting mullions or horizontal bars which are attached to existing building walls, floors, columns, or other structural members of the building, and the cutting and installation of glass and mirrors.

This license also allows installation of prefabricated glass, metal or plastic curtain walls and panels, caulking incidental to such work and assembly, and installation of shower and tub enclosures and metal fascias.