why nascla

What is this NASCLA exam?

The NASCLA Accredited Examination is used by state contractor licensing agencies to test commercial general building contractor candidates who are applying for a contractors license. The examination has been designed to reduce redundant licensing requirements and assist contractors who need to be licensed in multiple jurisdictions. It has many benefits and advantages over state exams as you will see in our comparison.

Currently there are 13 US state agencies that accept the NASCLA Accredited Examination. This means that if you pass it once, you can easily become a licensed Residential or Commercial building contractor in multiple states. Currently the states are: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, US Virgin Islands, Utah and West Virginia.

Please Note:

Effective 11/1/2016 all candidates who are interested in sitting for the NASCLA Accredited Examination for Commercial General Building Contractors must be pre-approved by the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies (NASCLA). This pre-approval application is not applicable if the candidate has previously applied for a license in an administering state.

An online application and $25.00 fee must be filed with NASCLA through the NASCLA National Examination Database (NED) website at https://ned.nascla.org. Once the candidate is approved, NASCLA will forward the candidate’s information to the testing provider, PSI Services, LLC (PSI). From there, PSI will send the candidate an email confirmation with information on how to register to take the examination. If the application has been denied, the candidate will be notified via email by NASCLA.


Our Program

In a nutshell, our program specifically walks you though each topic that is covered on the exam and how to find relevant information within the reference books.

We also walk you through what to expect before, during, and after you pass your examination. We are your partner and want to assist you in every way possible throughout the entire process.