North Carolina Building Contractor Course for PSI Exams
At 1 Exam Prep, we have the proven process of passing any open book contractor exam.
Our online instruction videos make it convenient and easy for EVERY type of student who is attempting to obtain a contractors license.
Our course gives you:
- One (1) year of access to our online course.
- Highlighting and tabbing locations for every required book.
- Hundreds of practice questions. We base these per book so you can understand which questions come from which book to better know where to find the answer, as well as final exams to reinforce your test taking skills.
- Over an hour of videos and reading material of test taking techniques, which from our feedback is the most effective part of any open book exam.
- We also have a price match guarantee and will beat any price on the books.
Note: This classification covers all building construction activity including: commercial, industrial, institutional, and all residential building construction. It includes parking decks; all site work, grading and paving of parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, and gutters; storm drainage, retaining or screen walls, and hardware and accessory structures; and indoor and outdoor recreational facilities including natural and artificial surface athletic fields, running tracks, bleachers and seating. It also covers work done under the specialty classifications of S(Concrete Construction), S(Insulation), S(Interior Construction), S(Marine Construction), S(Masonry Construction), S(Roofing), S(Metal Erection), S(Swimming Pools), and S(Asbestos).